Access to the facility

Required Two distinct ADaMS permissions are necessary to access the IRRAD Facility for the irradiation experiments:

Check your own access rights: ADaMS

Optional For the storage area the following ADaMS permission may be required (access NOT required for standard irradiation experiments):

Access to the IRRAD1B Room*
bld. 157 1-O14
*Request it only if asked by the IRRAD team

To access the proton irradiation area (Zone 1-to-3 classified as Controlled Radiation Area) you need to obtain a specific access permission. The procedure to follow is indicated below:

Please remember that the procedure may require several days to be completed!

The access to the IRRAD proton area is given if:

The person is registered at CERN and is in possesion of a valid CERN card
The person has a valid Personal dosimeter, including biometry status
The person has sucessfully validated necessary CERN safety courses available on CERN Learning Hub
The person has sucessfully attended the (1-day classroom) safety course: Radiation Protection - Controlled Area - Initial
The person has an Operational dosimeter (EN, FR)
Wearing helmet and safety shoes is mandatory to access the proton IRRAD area

Note that the temporary short-term (VCT) dosimeters are NOT valid any longer to acces the IRRAD area!

To request authorization:

The authorization to access CERN restricted areas is requested in ADaMS using the Access Request Form. To be authorized to work in the IRRAD Facility you have to ask for the access permission: Irradiation facilities in East Area (IRRADS) in the ADaMS form. The Access Zone IRRADS is available under the "Permission" category. Once this procedure is completed, you have to wait that your request will be processed and finally authorized.

In addition to the above requirements, the IRRAD access is limited to the participants of a valid IMPACT activity. For 2025 these are:

IRRAD Facility OP Team, IMPACT: 250449
IRRAD Facility Users of Zone 1, IMPACT: 250450
IRRAD Facility Users of Zone 2, IMPACT: 250452
IRRAD Facility Users of Zone 3, IMPACT: 250453

Please contact IRRAD Facility Team to add your name to an exiting IMPACT activity or to create a new one for your experiment (if needed).

To request authorization:

Access to the control room (157 R-O26 classified as Supervised Radiation Area) is granted via an electronic lock activated by the personal CERN access card. An access autorization must be requested in ADaMS using the Access Request Form. To be authorized to access the IRRAD Counting Room (157 R-O26) you have to ask for the access permission: Control Room T8 IRRAD (0157-R-O26) in the ADaMS form. Once this procedure is completed, you have to wait that your request will be processed and finally authorized.

To use the electronic locks you MUST periodically badge your CERN card on validation stations. More information about the usage of electronic locks...

To request authorization:

Access to the control room (157 1-O14 classified as Supervised Radiation Area) is granted via an electronic lock activated by the personal CERN access card. An access authorization must be requested in ADaMS using Access Request Form and following instructions available here. To be authorized to access the IRRAD1B Room (157 1-O14) you have to ask for the access permission: IRRAD1B (0157-1-O14) in the ADaMS form. Once this procedure is completed, you have to wait that your request will be processed and finally authorized.

To use the electronic locks you MUST periodically badge your CERN card on validation stations. More information about the usage of electronic locks...

In case of any question about access to the facility, please contact IRRAD Facility Team.