
Technical description

The shuttle (named IRRAD1) is a remote-controlled conveyor travelling on a rail system that allows the positioning of “small” objects in the beam (typically silicon detector test-samples) without the need of human access into the area. This system guarantees a precise X-Y alignment of ±0.1mm with respect to the beam axis and it is mainly designed for the irradiation of passive samples at RT.

Full description:
sample holder
Prepare samples for the shuttle

On the shuttle, the maximum volume available for irradiation is of about 50×50×200mm3 for a maximum weight of about 1Kg. The standard size of the beam spot on the shuttle system (σ) is of about 5-7mm RMS but it can vary according to the different beam focusing options (see section 3.4). In particular, focusing on the shuttle system, the spot size can be reduced further down during high-intensity irradiation periods.

How to package the samples in the paperboard holders
Please only use the paperboards provided by the IRRAD team.
Please replace crepe-paper tape with kapton tape in the packaging assembly.
Sample holder for the shuttle system
sample holder
Control system for the shuttle

The shuttle control system interface provides to the user the location of the shuttle on the horizontal and vertical axis. The user can choose to move the shuttle in beam, leave the samples cool down in a safe intermediate position or remove the samples out of the shuttle if this is allowed by the radiation dosimetry. The main functionalities include:

Remote control of the shuttle via Ethernet
Two interfaces:
Administrators-full control
Users-simplified version
Y- Axis positions: Reference, Load, Park and Beam
X-Axis positions: Reference, Park, Pre-Beam and Beam
Counting beam intensity while shuttle in beam
Software interlock when samples radioactivity is too high
Control system for the shuttle - user interface
control system